- March 26, 2021
WHO IS WHO IN THE ZOO And Oh What a wonderful Zoo it is! 😊 Full of Primates, Meerkats (think of that stunned look they get when something moves), nasty critters, creepy crawlies and a healthy smattering of sloths! OK so that may be a little harsh! So, we know contractors in the
TRADIE LICENCING So let’s talk LICENCING FOR TRADES & WHY IT IS SO VERY IMPORTANT….. Some of the biggest and most common issues we hear about are licencing and contracts. Stories of dodgy tradesman who disappear in the middle of a job, suddenly don’t remember how to answer the phone, don’t have the mental capacity
5 LEGAL THINGS YOU MUST KNOW BEFORE YOU BEGIN RENOVATING OR BUILDING There are just lists upon lists of lists on the internet about the best way to choose a builder or trades person. It is very important as that choice will affect the entire job and sometimes your peace of mind for a long